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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.



E-safety for children

Here at Downsbrook, we work hard to make sure you all know how to keep yourselves safe in the online world.  The internet is now a key part of our lives and this will increase even further as children grow older. There are lots of resources available for children and parents to help us to learn how to use the internet safely.

Activities for children

What has helped you remember how to stay safe when using the Internet?

Is it The Smart Crew?


Do you use the CBBC Stay Safe site with its link to the WonderWebWorld?



The Thinkuknow and Kidsmart websites have sections for different age groups all about using the web safely. Take a look at the different activities that you can complete on your own or with an adult. 



Information For Parents on E-Safety 

More detailed information regarding how to help children stay safe online can be found on our safeguarding page and by viewing the documents below.


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Academic Year 2023/2024

Academic Year 2020/2021

Academic Year 2019/2020